Sunday, November 07, 2004

One of Life's Little Lessons...

Last year for Christmas my sister gave me a basket full of kitchen gadgets and four 'recipes in a jar'….jars full of the ingredients for pasta and for cookies. The cookies were whole grain chippers. We ate through the pasta pretty quickly. We don’t often eat cookies, and the jar sat on the shelf, looking pretty. The first week in November I got a hankering for something sweet. I pulled the jar down and whipped up some cookies. They would have been wonderful except something, probably the oatmeal, was rancid. Into the trash with the batch of them.

The morals of this story are evident: Never confuse decorative and delicious. Goodness can't be hoarded. Better to be fat last winter than disappointed this fall. The Universe can give you a gift, all ingredients and instructions included, only if you are willing to receive it. Camellia

P. S. Does anybody have the recipe for whole grain chippers? Being denied, I now have a craving.

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